Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy Bunny Cap and Bandana

Happy Bunny is like Hello Kitty's evil cousin Serena, if a cat could be related to a rabbit, oh well, never mind . . . but you remember Bewitched, right?

Elizabeth Montgomery played both Samantha, and her saucy, raven haired cousin Serena. Here Serena rocks out in a very short mini skirt, and then asks "How did you love it?"

Darren is dismayed as always, but I love Serena, her style, and her song.

Today, I found a Happy Bunny cap and bandana at the 99 Cent Only Store.

Bunny must be Happy because he/she spends its life loving itself, ignoring others, and spewing witty putdowns and caustic observations on the human condition. Kinda like Serena.

I'm not sure if Happy Bunny merchandise has hit the Dollar Store because the ribald rabbit is hitting the end of its shelf life, or it has become a licensing juggernaut -- either way I'm sure it is not listening, and is too busy cashing checks.

Anyways, it doesn't hurt that Happy Bunny is cute, and a lot of the merchandise is pink and black, which I LOVE!

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